How many treatments will I need?
It depends on the patient, however, most people notice significant changes within a few sessions. MFR is particularly effective when you group sessions close together (such as 1-2 treatments per week). Many people receive several MFR treatments within a short time to address a specific concern, and then find themselves receiving “MFR maintenance” sessions every few weeks to months.
What do I wear to my treatment?
Comfortable loose fitting clothing: gym shorts or bathing suit bottoms (men and women), and swimsuit top or sports bra/bralette for ladies.
Please do NOT apply lotion or oil of any kind as this will interfere with the direct hand to skin contact necessary for effective myofascial release.
What will it feel like?
To the recipient: it feels like gentle sustained pressure with the therapist’s hands directly on your skin. We do not use lotions or oils of any kind during myofascial release. Please be mindful and do NOT apply lotion or oil to the skin the day of treatment.
The holds vary in length depending on tissue response, and many people describe a warm or vibratory sensation. It also feels like letting go, softening, or melting. This can feel scary to some people, and feel like a huge relief to others. Occasionally, people will experience “therapeutic pain” during myofascial release. It will not injure you and is merely tissue memory. To some, this feels like a mild burning or tingling sensation and is non-injurious.
To the therapist: it can feel like butter melting, taffy stretching, heat, vibrations, or water rushing.
Should I talk during my session?
Initially, verbal communication is necessary with your therapist. You are in control of the session at all times. You have safety words like “ease up” or “halt” this indicates to your therapist that the pressure is too much, or you would like to stop at that particular moment, for whatever reason. The therapist will respect your wishes to do so.
Everyone has different tissue sensitivities, and each therapist, a different touch. You should communicate to your therapist any areas of “therapeutic pain” that come up during treatment, as it can be indicative of where a restrictive fascial pull is prevalent. You may feel sensations of any kind in any area away from where the therapist’s hands are located: this is called the FASCIAL VOICE. Please let your therapist know what you are feeling during a session.
Emotions may surface during a release, it is ok, and we encourage you to let it come up. You may express yourself emotionally as needed, or vocalize as it feels right. This is healing. Your therapist may dialogue with you during this time. You are never obligated to share what surfaces for you unless you want. This time is for your journey to health and your return to wellbeing. MFR is a powerful tool for accessing the mind-body connection in order to heal the cumulative effects of inflammation, trauma, and stress in the body.
How will I feel after my MFR session?
Many people feel great when they experience structural releases! Some people report feeling energized, uplifted, and a deep sense of relaxation. They can move around better than when they arrived after years of being restricted.
Sometimes we experience what is known as a Healing Crisis. This occurs when the release stirs up the remanent tissue congestion that has been trapped inside of a fascial restriction. You may experience mild muscular soreness, heightened emotional awareness, temporary exacerbation of pain, or have a generalized feeling of malaise. This is a good sign that your body is releasing.
Imagine a dam busting to allow the water to flow downstream. The “debris” that was trapped, is now released, and free to exit the body. Please drink plenty of water and relay any healing crisis to your therapist. Follow up treatments, self-treatment, and performing your home program will help this clear. It usually resolves in a few hours to a few days. This is authentic healing.
Are there any conditions when MFR should not be administered?
MFR treatment should not take place if the following is present:
open wounds
healing fractures
active blood clot
anti-coagulant therapy
advanced diabetes
advanced degenerative changes
obstructive edema
systemic or localized infection
Please inform your therapist of any of these conditions.
How can I learn more?
For more information, articles and recommending readings about Myofascial Release please visit myofascialrelease.com.
What are your Cancellation & Billing Policies?
I am a small business owner and able to treat a limited number of people each week. The time scheduled for your appointment is reserved for you. Out of respect and consideration to me and other clients please plan accordingly and be on time.
In my desire to be fair to all clients, the following policies are enforced:
Cancellation Policy:
24 hour notice is required when canceling an appointment or you will be charged 50% of your appointment fee.
Anyone who forgets or chooses to forgo their appointment without notice will be considered a no-show. All no-shows will be charged the full amount of their appointment. This fee is due before your next session. All future bookings will require prepayment.
Late Arrivals:
If you arrive late your session will be shortened in order to accommodate other appointments. Arrivals 15 minutes late will be considered no-shows. Regardless of treatment length clients will be responsible for the originally scheduled session fee. ​
Massage/bodywork is not appropriate care for infectious or contagious illness. Please cancel your appointment as soon as you are aware of an infectious or contagious condition. If it is within the 24-hour notice period, the cancellation fee may be waived.
If this office is providing billing services, please be advised of our billing policies:
We do not bill insurance companies for missed appointments or late cancellations. You are responsible for paying the missed appointment/late cancellation fees.
Financial Responsibility:
Once your insurance is verified, we will bill and accept payment from your insurance company for covered services. In the event that the insurance company denies payment or makes partial payment, you are responsible for the balance, deductibles, and co-pays. Your signature on the consent confirms your financial responsibility for all services regardless of insurance reimbursement.
Assignment of Benefits:
Your signature on the consent authorizes and directs payment of medical benefits to the massage/bodywork practitioner for services provided by this office.
Release of Medical Records:
Your signature on the consent authorizes the release of all of your medical records on file in this office, for the purpose of processing your claims, to the following: your attorney, the healthcare providers attending to this condition as well as billers and insurance case managers so that we or others may bill and receive payment from you, an insurance company or a third party for the treatment and services you received. Medical records will not be edited unless otherwise stated in an exclusive release of medical records signed through your attorney.